The NexGen Builders Award recognizes an individual or organization who puts into practice best practices identified by the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB,) standards for organizations around the world.
As a Mentor (individual), the nominee has excelled in supporting the professional growth and development of a Mentee.

Bubba Qwulshemut
Bubba is a Mentor in the workplace, active in Union outreach to underrepresented jobseekers in communities impacted by Covid-19, job loss and poverty, provides excellent support and guidance in addressing workplace or work/life challenges experienced by mentees, provides clarity and 'tough love' when necessary, builds capacity and confidence of mentees to address concerns through union, contractor, or community channels. He shares experiences and examples of problems and solutions regarding systemic and anti-Black racism within the industry and motivates and inspires me /makes me want to keep going despite the challenges. Cameron was a welder for a few years but was injured. With Bubba’s encouragement he now has a new job as a plumber apprentice on the Cowichan District Hospital Replacement Project in North Cowichan, BC to support his family. “He’s really opening my eyes to this whole new trade [plumbing and pipe fitting] and always encouraging me to stick it out whenever I’ve been struggling to keep up or get it right. He’s always saying to stick it out and you’ll be fine. He’s shared his personal knowledge because he’s come from a plumbing background. It’s really helpful. He told me multiple times that he started out where I am and that he struggled too, but he toughed it out and he’s come a long way. Him sharing his stories helps motivate me to keep going,” said Cameron. Bubba is a respected Quw’utsun traditional speaker and certified Red Seal plumber with over 30 years of experience in the trades. As BCIB’s first Workforce Mentorship Training and Onsite Support Manager, Bubba provides direct support to employees. requiring transition-to-work supports, or support in general, with extra attention to apprentices and Indigenous employees. Cameron also said, “I’d say that his personal knowledge and experiences that he shares are inspiring. He told me that many things in plumbing have changed over the years and most of it is totally new, but he didn’t give up. He kept going. Seeing how far he’s come helps me keep going. He leads by example. He told me multiple times how he struggled and that he toughed it out. He’s proof that I can set a goal and keep it in mind and work hard for what I want.”