The NexGen Builders Award recognizes an individual or organization who puts into practice best practices identified by the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB,) standards for organizations around the world.
As an Employer (organization), the nominee has excelled in supporting the welcome and professional growth and development of diverse workers in the workplace.

Purpose Construction
Kalen Taylor, the executive director of Purpose Construction is a leading advocate for the social enterprise sector, social procurement and community benefits agreements in Manitoba. As a member the We Want to Work coalition, they have been integral in establishing the City of Winnipeg's first social procurement office. https://wewanttowork.ca/ Purpose Construction provides skilled trades training and long-term jobs to people with barriers to employment, offers living wages and a full benefits package, and offers a supportive work environment. https://www.purposeconstruction.ca/ Indigenous People. Newcomers to Canada. Single mothers. People with criminal records. Purpose believes in second chances. They believe everyone deserves an opportunity to build a new life for themselves and their families. Since it began in 2010, Purpose Construction has completed $17,407,593.00 in contracts and employed 406 individuals. Based on an independent third-party social impact analysis, for every $1 spent on services at Purpose Construction, they return $4.29 in positive social impact. Purpose construction is an impact focused social enterprise. By training and employing hard working people with barriers to employment, Purpose Construction is reducing government social assistance costs, reducing recidivism rates, bringing families back together, and helping people build stable, healthy lives. Purpose Construction is a social enterprise that houses various trades-based services such as, energy efficiency retrofits, property, maintenance, demolition, salvage and bug removal. Each service, stream requires different skills and therefore represents different employment opportunities. Many participants represent First Nations community and face multiple barriers to employment. These barriers may include: a lack of work experience, limited formal education and undeveloped interpersonal skills that are often essential to achieve long term employment. Many will also have experienced criminal justice involvement. People thrive as a part of Purpose as a result of supportive environment. MGR employees are able to access one-on-one coaching on a wide variety of issues, from financial planning to addressing minor convictions, to accessing services to address an addiction, mental health or housing issues.