We at TCBN is grateful for your participation in the nomination process. Your outstanding achievements and contributions have impressed the selection committee, and we are delighted to have considered you for this prestigious honor. Your hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence have not gone unnoticed.

Leading on Diversity Short-listed - Contractors
The award recognizes an organization - Contractor that is making extraordinary efforts to ensure underrepresented groups are accessing jobs and opportunities in construction.

Leading on Diversity Short-listed - Owner Clients
The award recognizes an organization - Client/Owner that is making extraordinary efforts to ensure underrepresented groups are accessing jobs and opportunities in construction.

Leading on Diversity Short-listed - Unions
The award recognizes an organization - Union that is making extraordinary efforts to ensure underrepresented groups are accessing jobs and opportunities in construction.
Help us find talent.
We've made nominating an individual or organization for an award easy. Select the award category to make a nomination.
This is a two-step process. The nominator completes the nomination form, here. The nominee will be notified and asked to complete their profile that describes what they are presently doing to create and support a respectful, and inclusive workplace.